Anyone not have children and never want them?

Hey guys, as above, on a personal level i have no children and never want them!


Neither do I.
Kids for me are pretty useless.
I dont need to pass my genes
to a child. I dont feel the need.


I had one, beautiful little boy who grew to be a quite handsome young man. Trouble was he developed and committed suicide. So now I have no kids and no grandkids. And I’m now too old to make more kids. And even if I could, I would not. I don’t want another child to come down with this horrid condition.


I never had any kids, but now that I’m 62 I regret not having any.

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I have never wanted children, even from a very young age. Even before i developed sz. Now that i have sz, it has made me all the more resolute in my decision. I can’t hardly look after myself, let alone another person. Nope, baby making is not for me.


I think that I would be better off if I wouldn’t make any.
I have a niece and I don’t trust myself picking her up on my arm.
But I bought two children’s audiobooks for her.

She will have her first birthday tomorrow, my father said that we will be going to visit her.

I want children but scared of having one with schizophrenia.

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I never wanted kids. It was like a 6th sense telling me not to have them. Now that I’m 51 and schizophrenic I kiss the ground everyday that I never had them.


No kids here. Not bc of sza but the idea of having to get close to someone for the baby making process turns me off.



A child is such an awesome responsibility! I don’t want the bad karma. And I’ve seen how people in my family treat their parents, it’s bad news!


I just turned 51!


Nope. I have trauma among other things.

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Theres freedom not having kids. More money and less obligation, more time, and less responsibility. I struggle by myself anyways…

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I have one right now and my wife is pregnant.
Since I am high functioning schizo affective I thi m I am doing okay as a dad. My mother emotionally and physically abused me and now that I am a parent myself I remember what I disliked about being raised by her and try my best to the parent I wanted my mom to be.
Its a weird experience too, I love my family and my new family though.

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no kids here, no plans to have any, but you never know. im nearing 40 and probably wouldn’t see their 30th birthday if i had a child. and im proud to say, i’ve never changed a diaper in my life.

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No, and no regrets.

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I had a baby,

He was adopted at birth by his dads.

We got to be very close during my pregnancy and we are still close now.

My son knows I’m his mother and it’s always been that way.

So, I kind of have the benefits of having a kid without any of the everyday responsibility.

It’s a really great situation and I made a perfect little family.

I’m super proud.


I have two biological children that I gave birth to before sz affective came into my life. Had I known I would become ill I wouldn’t have.

That being said children have the ability to amaze and frustrate the crap out of you. And you always think that your kids are more terrific than they really are.

I used to want a kid pre psychosis, but now that I’ve grown up a bit, I see it is a blessing to have the choice not to have kids.

I used to cry as a kid, thinking I HAD to have children, as in, it is just automatic.


I was indifferent to having kids at a young age tbh. If that makes sense but now that I’m older and I see the work and effort it takes to raise one. Plus the mental illness and anxiety runs in my family .I dont want them at all. I’m not even sure I want a partner either because I dont think I would be a good wife. Then again I dont even want to drive for mainly the same reasons and the money it takes to own a car.

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