Do you think you’ll have children? I’ve always wanted children but been single a long time and been ill with psychosis. I’m 36 now. I might do a PHD then try for baby at 39. That’s if I stay stable. I’ll have been stable for four years. Five when the baby comes. If a baby comes. I’m also coming round to the idea of maybe not having them.
Would like to, it’s a matter of good mind health though. Don’t want to be in a position where I can’t be the kind of parent I’d like to be, in which case it is better not have children.
A partner would be lovely though. A support if I can’t manage certain feelings or situations.
I had a vague desire to have children. Sometimes when my niece and nephews were visiting I would be thinking I really wanted to have children. But a mental illness that entailed many visits to the mental hospital precluded me from having children. Maybe it was for the best. I don’t know.