Anyone here who doesn't have schiZ?

Just curious? What do u have?

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u said u are a bi-polar right…???..for sure i am sz(aff)…!!!

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I am not bipolar. But I do have bipolar yes


Schizophrenia, but i think it is a mix of schizophrenia and bi polar

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I’m schizoaff-ective so I guess I’m schizzzzz


In my personal opinion bi polar is better then Sz…!!!

Bipolar 1 with severe psychosis

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Herpes ghonnorea syphillis and AIDS
Oops wrong site!


I have schizophrenia.

I have a had many different diagnoses the last years, they say something different every time, so I’m not really sure anymore. The latest is PTSD + Psychotic disorder NOS.

IBS, Irritable Brain Syndrome


Rusted Brain Stem

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Yesterday I was on the bus and there was this woman with 3 kids who were handicapped. It was really sad, one of the girls had down syndrome and had burn marks all over her face :frowning: I felt really sad for her, but she seemed happy. She wasn’t severely down-syndrome, it was mild, but you could still tell she had the disorder. And the burn marks. It made me think her down syndrome lead to poor decisions to cause her to get burn marks over her face. it made me sad to say the least.

My very first Adult Psychiatrist was confused.
He was torn between Schizophrenia or Bipolar.

My second Psychiatrist gave me a Bipolar Diagnosis.

My third Psychiatrist was confused as well.
At first she gave me a Bipolar Diagnosis then she switched it over to Schizoaffective Disorder.

My current Psychiatrist is Baffled, she diagnosed me with Bipolar Disorder type 1 Mixed with Psychotic Features.

My current Psychiatrist also diagnosed me with Schizoaffective Disorder.

The Psych Hospital where I was Involuntary Committed twice, diagnosed me with Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar type twice.

A Psychiatric Diagnosis means squat in this day and age.

Psychiatry is not an exact “science”

Psychiatrists are never sure with my diagnosis but they all lean towards me suffering with Bipolar and Schizophrenic Symptoms.

I am pretty sure that the Psych Hospital got it right.

Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type Seems to Fit.


I’m possessed by evil spirits.

Everyone thinks i’m schizophrenic.

I even ■■■■■■ floated one time during my “psychosis”.


Major depression w psychotic features

she probably suffers less than we do

Ooohhhh psychotic depression!!! That’s a fun one!!! That was my FIRST diagnosis.

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Sooner man! Been there done that. Aight brother!

i was diagnosed para/sz but i havent been paranoid for a while or sz bc my meds are so good i think.