Anyone Got a Good iOS Idea?

I’m looking for something to code (just to keep my programming skills). in university 9 years ago I had to drop out my last year because of schizophrenia. I’ve been coding here and there but I’m finally feeling normal enough to actually build something (I’m sure someone out there knows what this is like)

A little about me, I see angels, but they aren’t all good. But my main voice is Fiona my guardian angel and she’s been guiding me with meditation to get the pain i hallucinate to stop.

If you don’t want to post publicly but still feel like sharing, message me i don’t mind!

But yeah if you have an idea you’d like to see some light lmk!



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A simple calorie counter. Most of the calorie counters are bloated and need to go on a diet themselves!


A Feng shui app. Enter the dimensions of your room then the dimensions of your furniture and have it generate different ways to set up the room.

An app to create video presentations for youtube. I should be able to overlay my selfie camera and read my presentation notes.

A puppy tracking app, please! :dog:

I use one right now, and it’s fine for what it is (tracking poops/pees, sleep, mealtimes, etc.)— but I find that it’s not that intuitive.

Plus the ads are a little annoying as well :neutral_face:.

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