Anyone give up smoking?

Anyone else managed to give up smoking. I usually smoke 40 a day but I quit about 6 hours ago. I have some nicotine chewing gums that help with craving. Any tips?


Yes, many people have (myself included). There are several OTC medications, like the “patch,” as well as a whole host of other “slow withdrawal” techniques that rely on tapering a dose of nicotine over time while you cease the habit. It is a hard road to hoe, and it requires dedication on your part. One person may do well with the patch, while others require different methods. You might consult with your doctor for the best plan for you.

Finally, harness your rage. Other people will tell you things that may help - I’ll tell you to resolve not to give one more penny to those despicable people who got you addicted in the first place by their vile advertising. Every time you smoke, you reward the tobacco company CEOs. As the Jedi emperor said, “use your hate.” Just this once, you have a good reason.


I smoked around five cigarettes a day for about two years while I was in the army. When I’d get drunk I’d start chain smoking. It took me about fifty tries to quit. I also dipped snuff for a couple of years. It wasn’t as hard to quit that as it was the smoking, but I did go through some rough times doing it.

I quit cold turkey many years ago.
Distracting oneself and drinking plenty of water helped me with the quitting process.
Good luck @Lowri!


In my dreams!!!


I quit smoking 2 years ago but I’m still on the gum. I recently upped my dose to 4mg. There are people who quit successfully using the gum.

Would i have a heart attack if I put nicorette patch on for 2 weeks and used nicorette spray at same time??

Just popping in to say I quit cold turkey 2 years ago this upcoming September. I tried tapering off several times, tried cold turkey several times. Nothing worked till I read a book called Allen Carr’s EZ Way to Quit Smoking.

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Yeah I’ve ordered Allen Carr’s book off ebay as well TiredGuy


I quit 2 1/2 years ago. Taking in deep breaths as if you were smoking helps. I don’t really crave them anymore.


I used champix/chantix and it worked great. Made me a bit quesy in the stomach but got through that and the whole process was totally painless. Smoked heaps when first starting the pills…then just stopped buying cigarettes. No urges to smoke. Really amazing as I tried everything else and never could do it.

Nicotine is a nasty drug.


I’m worried when I drink I’ll be tempted to smoke.I might give up drink for a while.

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I quit but still vape.

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my tip:
you have to commit to it

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Nice job deciding to quit.

I’ve tried a few times before but couldn’t do it.

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I’m stopped nearly four years. I used distraction, amongst other things.


I quit over ten years ago.

I later also quit alcohol as I was a binge drinker and was disgusting when drunk


My man smokes and he does a pac a day that’s $53 a day.

I do not want to nag him so I don’t.

I think it smells so good but I am very good not smoking despite that he smokes indoors.

I am wanting to go more vegan again but my man said he will break up with me if I stop

I quit cold turkey a month ago. I still crave it sometimes, but it has gotten easier. I’m pretty much used to not smoking at this point.

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I am happy today.

The intense man may be back but we only hang out in spirit.

We may have same humour sometimes and he is a closest to me.

I once thought he was my dad but he is not but we are close …

I thought my horse birthed me because everyone else aborted but I love my parents and am not paranoid or delusional about my family anymore.

I am proud that I do not smoke but I think I miss it at times.

I want to be environment conscious and do good for nature species etc

But I’m not vegan right now

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