Anyone feels like a loser compared to your friends who you went to high school or college with?

Yes yes YES. I may not have won the sail boat race, but I feel I finished respectably well. ESPECIALLY since most of my competitors aren’t constantly having to bail out their boats during the race as I have to.


Friends from highschool…4 human doctors with various specialities ranging from brain surgeon to foot doc…1 trigonometry professor…2 in the airforce…1 in the navy…and 1 friend who does translations he is a drug addict but internationally the smartest person ive ever known…last i heard he knows 20 languages and has writen various papers improving modern mathematic formulas…so ■■■■ them…lol most of them are above avg normies…

I was almost 18…I’m 24 now

Yeah I thought of that too sometimes, I guess it comes mostly from self judgement of myself. We all got our own situations, whether we are living in a mansion or a basement. It’s hard for self-love having this illness, I’m trying to work on it.

I’m the koolest person I’ve ever met (no joke)

Yea but we have an illness. But at least I haven’t gained as much weight as some of them

Yeah there is a high school reunion this summer and I would feel out of place a bit.

I thank the stars I’m not on facebook anymore.

My twenty year high school reunion will be in two years and no doubt organised through facebook.

Oh dash, looks like I’ll miss it. lol.

No I don’t. I think my friends are the losers. Not that I’m any better than them, I just have a drastically improved life now.