Can’t wait for death so that I can rest from this disease. I worry about the people I’ll leave behind though. I have two kids so I worry about them.
i think this life is like a rite of passage before we ascend, hoping heaven is real but i want to do as much good as i can before my time
i fear that as i (hopefully will) reach the end goal of out of hell, then i will die. judy
I fear pain more than death. Emotional and physical pain. I have been afraid of being persecuted and sacrificed (part of my delusion) and I scared the hell out of me. On the other hand, my delusion tells me I can control disease, aging and pain in my body. Wouldn’t that be nice…
i’m not going to read the previous threads…
but I’ve read that people on Medicaid die twenty five years earlier than those who are not on Medicaid. that’s why we see so many changes in Medicaid recently.
I welcome death but it won’t be by my own hand. I want to go to Heaven. so it’s different for me.
I’m getting to the age where I can see death approaching. Sometimes I wish it would get here sooner.
yes but i wish it would come sooner
i dont want to die but i realise it is part of life and i just hope that i can do as much good in this world to get into the next i believe we’re all going to a better place as long as we believe in God and we do good in this life