Do you think it's normal to fear death?

I’ve heard that people say they are not afraid of dying, but I think that people are. It’s normal when we are not ready for death to fear it. That’s what I think anyway.

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I can’t come to terms with death it frightens me I fear going to hell
I can’t get my head around why people suffer including children who are innocent and get abused and evil things happen
These thoughts worry me about finding out what is there if anything when u die
As soon as you die you find out

Yea it is unknown territory for everyone. I think it’s normal to fear it.


In general I don’t fear death, I don’t see the point. I could drop dead tomorrow, why worry about it. I’ve had really bad days where I wish I was dead.

Edit: I do fear dying from a protracted painful death though. ideally I just want to go peacefully in my sleep.


I have mixed feelings about it. Sometimes it seems like it would be a great break from the stress. but other times I think of not existing, and that does scare me. I don’t know why. I wouldn’t know I did not exist.

It’s never bothered me. We’re all going to die. I see it as a blessing.

Ya it’s normal. I think the pain, fear, and stuff is a real big factor. It also depends on the belief system.

Sometimes, dealing with schizophrenia is so tough I rather just ‘re-roll’ like in WoW and hope for a better lfie some day, but it seems ‘they’ caught on to my ability to ‘re-roll’ constantly and trapped me haha…

But ya, if I could go out peacefully, I would. I’m Christian, but I also believe I’m immortal sort of, but not really. It’s pretty complicated…

Some people fear death more than others. I do fear being tortured or brutally murdered, but it’s based on my past life memories and stuff which modern day society doesn’t recognize as being real, but a genuine mental disorder.

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I am a frequent thinker on the topic.

I am early to every appointment… have always been in a rush to get to the next place I’m going.

Time in between things always makes me ‘hurry up, and wait.’

But I’m still scared of what happens and agree it’s gotta be normal.

I’m concerned about it, but I’m one of those people who was told to not to expect to live past forty and now I’m fifty-two. It’s just a reality for me that my heart could quit at any time. Not much I can do about it. I don’t want to waste what time I have left freaking out over something I can’t control. I have better things to do with that energy.

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Yeah I fear the unknown.
It’s normal.

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I fear my consciousness being gone for eternity once I die.

My provider was told she probably wouldn’t live past 50 and she is now 61. Just goes to show yah.


Im not afraid of death. I had an NDE many years ago - and altho i never saw “the light” or anything like that - i was surprisingly calm and peaceful.

Its the council workers i pity when they scoop up my rotting body, when the nieghbours smell me after a couple of weeks dead in bed lol.

i think it is normal to not be afraid of it, too. especially since so many people come face to face with death, sometimes often. death isn’t a bad thing, i think he is a benevolent being

I think we need to distinguish between having a fear of death in your everyday life and having a fear of death when you face an immediate threat to your life.

Both are normal. But so is not fearing death in your everyday life. Not fearing death when you’re face to face with it is not normal, except in some situations, like if you’ve been very physically ill for a long time. Your instincts are supposed to kick in then.

Being afraid of death when your life is in danger also does not mean you’re lying if you’ve said you don’t fear death. It’s just a completely different situation.

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I relate to Treebeards statement.

I don’t fear death in my everyday life. I don’t make any efforts to avoid it.
But if I’m crossing a street and see a car speeding towards me, I’ll yell “oh shite” and run for my life.

I fear dying before I’m ready. I have too much unfinished business with this life


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