Anyone experience anxiety on abilify?

I’ve had severe bouts of anxiety that last about 30 mins and then go away completely, havent felt this sort of anxiety before like a wired up anxiety. Maby should lay off the energy drinks but down to one a day

When I was put on the Abilify injection 400mg,

My anxiety and paranoia when through the roof.

I was an absolute mess.

My doctor had to give me klonopin twice a day to combat those symptoms.

Now I’m doing really well,

For the most part, with the anxiety and paranoia.

What med worked for you?

Abilify gave me intense anxiety. I only made it to 5 mgs and had to stop.

It was also very activating. I saw flashing white lines when i closed my eyes.

Couldnt sleep or anything on it.

Was too strong for me this abilify !!

I’m still on Abilify and it works great,

As long as I remember to take the klonopin.

I’ve been on those two medications for two years and I’m fairly stable.

Im hoping the anxiety part goes away because its something new since I started it and havent been on it long enough to know whether this side effect is going to stay with me. Great to hear its working for you.

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I’m about 7 years on Abilify. I never experieced an increase in anxiety. In fact I think Abilify and the AP’s before it helped a lot for the severe anxiety I had.

I now use Valium in very low dosage as needed for breaktrough symptoms of paranoia and anxiety.

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Seven years is a good run shows your on the right meds, how do you find it for negative symptoms or cognitive issues, I dont have any on risperidone and hoping its same with abilify

Negative symptoms have improved slightly. I struggle with cognition, especially with concentration and memory. But I’m doing better than when I was on Risperdal, Clopixol or Olanzapine.

I am on 25mg

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The anxiety got less for me from the med but got higher for me from health consequences due to the binge eating. I hear whooshing blood in my head and yes it’s real, not imagined…

Social anxiety is high and always has been on abilify

I’m going to be on 10mg only but we will see how low we go with the risperidone If I dont have symptoms the plan is to discontinue it, we doing a decrease of the risperidone a bit every month.

The whooshing is a weird symptom havent had something similar. I dont binge eat luckily but told I will lose some weight when the risperidone is lowered, which is a plus since I picked up some weight on it.

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Yes I had to come off it the anxiety went through the roof

Until now my doctors are always changing my meds but i like aripiprazol or olamzapine or invega

I’ve been on abilify for 3 months and my condition in all areas got worse

i couldn’t take abilify for long. It made me quessy and manic.


Whooshing like blood pressure?