Uncle Scrooge should never have given in to the spirit of christmas. Christmas is a sentimental commercial abnormality. I really don’t like goblins, people dressed up in fake white synthetic beards and red and white coats enlightened by flashing LED light bulbs…
Christmas is for kids, and of course if you have children, you have to play by the rules, but if you don’t have any kids, it’s just a very strange, superficial thing.
I get the usual invitations for Christmas, but usually I prefer being alone with a heavy, seafood dinner and a bottle of Calvados.
My mum didnt like the idea of christmas when i was growing up so i didnt have any christmasses as a kid. My birthday is close to the date of it though so didnt bother me too much haha. I was that little kid running around informing every other kid about how santa isnt real haha.
I hated it as a child and a teen. It was miserable as a young adult. I was prepared to try and enjoy it once my daughter showed up, but it was always overtaken by my wife’s family ruining it once again. Neither my daughter or I enjoy Xmas now.
I enjoy the family gettogetherness on my mom’s side of the family. Otherwise I don’t buy, both figuratively and literally, into an overcommercialized pagan holiday.
Ha, a wise kid… My birthday is the 27 of december, so it’s all mixed up. I had a combined birthday and christmas present when i was a kid, and i felt cheated.
I’m actually celebrating the birth of Isaac Newton. And knocking a few items off my Amazon wish lists. I’m especially excited about December 3rd (this Saturday).
I wouldn’t say I hate Christmas, but I definitely don’t get into it. I don’t exchange gifts with anyone, and I prefer it that way. I’m just in it for the food, not a Christian, so I don’t give a ■■■■ about the religious aspect.
When I was 11 I wrote a story about myself and Santa fighting to the death because I was tired of him breaking into our house. I lured him with poison cookies and hid under a table to watch for him but when he came he threw a molotov cocktail at me and I died…
I’ve always had an irrational but fiery hatred for Santa, both the concept of him and this weird concept of him as a person in my head. GOD he just pisses me off so much
I don’t like Christmas. I hate spending money on gifts for people because I’m poor and I never know what gifts to buy for people. I also hate going to my stepmom’s brother’s house on Christmas because I never know what to say to anyone.
I don’t hate I just don’t do anything for it anymore. When my son was growing up we always had a tree and decorated the house with lights and all that jazz.
Don’t do any of that anymore. I had two trees and boxes of decorations but I got rid of them all. My son is nearly 30 so I probably got rid of all that stuff ten or more years ago.
The only thing I hate about Christmas is this societal assumption that just because it’s that season, we are automatically obligated to spend tremendous amounts of money on everybody. I’m not spending a cent this year. Or from now on. I’m in revolt.
That stands out when you’re a kid. Funny how the kids with two parents who had jobs got much nicer things from Santa than I did with my single, handicapped mom on assistance. I made sure that “Santa” only gave our kid cheap stuff for this reason. Kind of hurts for a kid to be ranked lower than others.