Do you like Christmas

Its somehow turned into a depressing day foe me…

I used to love it, now I kinda hate it !!

What about you?


It was a horrible day for me as a kid. Nothing like sexual abuse combined with grinding poverty. However, I’ve found some upsides as an adult. Those being blinky lights and crass materialism. I also get to hack off the uber religious by wishing them Happy Holidays and watch all their veins pop out.



It’s alright I guess.

It’s a blast when you’re young; looking forward to what presents you get.

But as you get older you’re just kinda happy if someone gets you deodorant or cologne or a new shirt or something.


I think it’s ok. I’m not a Christian anymore but I do enjoy the upbeat Christmas music and special attention to and from friends.


I’ve spent the last few years in a funk because my mother passed away right before Christmas a few years back but I’m finally healing and back to looking forward to the season again. This year I’m so excited for Christmas because the kids and grandkids are coming to visit me in my new home and I can’t wait to spoil them. It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas this year. I wish you a blessed and merry year also.


Every year I get my girls (my niece and daughter) Taco Bell gift cards along with their other gifts. My stepmom always gets a Red Lobster gift card. She’s one of those working poor so she only gets to go once a year.


Christmas was special from the idea of giving and love. But I figured out Santa wasn’t real at 3 years old. So I never really had that magic. I’m sad I missed that.

Sucked for a while, family died or left over the years, and they shrank from when we used to have it.

Now a days I do Christmas with my fiancée. Extra big, welcoming, lovely Mexican family. We make giant batches of tamales so the entire family gets some Christmas morning, and enough to take home for the year. Everyone helps, we make hundreds.

I’m starting to enjoy it again


Damn man, that is young to learn father christmas doesnt exist lol


What! Santa is not real? :smiley:


I don’t even remember it to be honest, it’s a story my mom tells. Apparently I told my mom at three “I know Santa isn’t real, but don’t tell nana, she still believes”

I was an odd child


i love Christmas , the lights the decorations in shops and at streets.


What is Mexican Christmas like?


I give up doing Christmas, no one to share it with anyway


Just going to have fun, i think its great esp if its cold and it takes my mind off of the cold and darkness here, it gets dark at 4.30 pm here now in the uk, i think its good to have something positive to focus on,


It’s wonderful, we all bring dishes of food, prime rib, or turkey, enchiladas, rice, beans, corn soup. Lots of food, lots of people. Everyone knows everyone and wishes each other well


Yes I like it. Great atmosphere


it’s ok. I welcome anything that disrupts my normal boring routine. don’t like it as much as I used to and often have regret for buying Christmas gifts. I need that money for things around the house.

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Not a Christian but every year I sat down and watched TV movies so many came on its was the highlight of Christmas out streets were full of lights now only one person in the whole street does them it’s not the same anymore. I might buy a little tree this year. My partner’s mum is Irish so they celebrate so I’m happy to be joining them all this year.


I usually have a nice meal and family gives me some cash, so thats always welcome.

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I like Christmas because I get to see my 2nd cousins whom I don’t get to see for a whole year.

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