Anyone else still waiting for the $1400?

I still haven’t received mine yet. With the last check, it was deposited to my old checking account at my bank instead of the new one. My bank reopened the old account and transferred the money to my new account. I don’t know if this is what the problem is.

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I haven’t received mine yet either.

But I get a paper check in the mail.

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Maybe that’s what they are going to do with me this time.


We usually get it last anyways. Not sure what the rush is anyways…

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I just worried that I won’t get it and will have to file taxes next year.

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According to Axios news (Yahoo Money) today anyone who doesn’t get a direct deposit by March 24th will be mailed a check or debit card. FYI

I also get checks so I’m not expecting mine for quite some time. It’s too bad because with the move the money would come in handy. But I’m making due and I can use the money later too. I just feel grateful that I’m getting the money in the first place and will be happy when I get it.


Thanks leaf. 15

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I don’t mean to be that guy, but it’s getting a little tiring to see you Americans post so mich about your corona money.
Corona effed us all up financially, and not only are you folks getting free money for the third time while many of us still struggle to have a daily meal, you’re making countless threads and posts whining about your free money being a few days late.

Could one of you Americans make a ‘stimulus megathread’ and keep all the biden bucks talk confined to that one? K thx bye


I’m sorry @Pikasaur . I didn’t see your last post until just now.

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David hasn’t but it’s being mailed

Here let me help you, google is quite powerful

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A lot of Americans are struggling too.

I find your comment very offensive and uncool.


I’m not saying they’re not.
It just seems a bit exessive that every day there’s new posts and threads by people who are eager to get their stimulus checks when most of earth’s inhabitants aren’t getting any. It feels insensitive to those of us who aren’t as lucky.

Well I’m American and I don’t think I will be getting a stimulus payment.

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I’m not going to make someone make a “mega thread”. If the threads bother you, avoid them instead of trying to insult everyone who is interested in receiving help.

I filed my 2020 tax return because I didn’t get the $600 payment. I think because of their mixup I got the $600 and $1400 in March already. I wish I had given the money to a family member to hang onto. I should’ve saved it up for a car or something. I spent the $600 exactly on my new laptop though which is awesome and I didn’t have a computer. I spent $200 on pagan witchy supplies which I kind of regret but have definitely raised the vibes in my space. I spent a bunch on birthday presents for my brother and my dad because they both have birthdays coming up. I got a care package and perfume for my mom. Needless to say I sort of have a spending problem. Im not used to having so much money so when I got it all at once the temptation was overwhelming.

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Forget me. I’m a grumpyface.
I’ll hop to bed before my foot in mouth disease gets too severe.

Good night @Pikasaur , take care.


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I don’t think I can sleep. But I shouldn’y make that everyone else’s headache.
Sorry if I offended you