Anyone else feeling really low today?

Today’s not a good day.

For me it’s because I broke my diet yet again.

And now I feel so ugly and don’t want to be near anyone


I feel too self conscious to even go out and buy treat food

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All the depressed people we can be low together today…

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do you eat out of boredom, or just hunger,
lots of AP’s make you do that,
do you think the dose is too high?

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I really don’t know. Its a mystery to me. I think stress has something to do with it. I don’t think it’s physical hunger.
My ap dose is relatively low but it has stopped me from being able to jog properly and jogging used to regulate my appetite


Weren’t you jogging while on 5mg Abilify in the past? I remember you said so…

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Yea it is very slow pace less than walking pace and it is for like ten minutes only. Plus idk if I can maintain it as I have never been able to in the past whilst on abilify. This is nothing compared to when I was off abilify. I mean it’s something but u get what I mean

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I’m feeling pretty down right now. My sister ignored me on her phone when I called. I called my psychiatric care provider and asked for a therapist or counselor to call me. They are closed to clients, but the staff is working. I just started Abilify last Tuesday, and I finally slept last night and got up at 7am.

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Trying to get past a mild panic attack over work today. I know it’s going to be a bad day, we had a couple of customers erupt yesterday and I have to wade into that this morning and try to fix some of it. Not my job actually, but the person whose job it is, won’t, and we can’t afford to lose customers over small things in this economy. Ugh. Here’s something I found funny to help:


Hope abilify serves you well. It can be a really good med.


Good luck dealing with those customers. Hope it’s not too stressful.

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I’m sorry you’re feeling down Butterfliezzz.

Big Hugs to you! :butterfly: :hugs: :sunny:


You fail everytime you don’t try. Be gentle to yourself and stay positive. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @Montezuma and @GrayBear that means a lot


I’m already feeling better had a talk with my mental health nurse and I feel much better.


hope u r feeling well bfly

i think we should not let small things affect us.

stay safe take care

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Thankyou Steffifan
Yes me and my mental health nurse were saying that I should not stress about todays binge eating. Instead I should enjoy it. So I am

Hope you’re well. Do you know when your lockdown ends?

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thx bfly

good that u r enjoying thats how it should be

i m fine.
looks like the lockdown wont end any time soon bcoz the number of cases are not coming down but r increasing very rapidly.
looks like the lockdown hasnt improved the conditions anyway.
we r at our wits end. its just a pain in the neck.
hoping the lockdown ends.
how r things at ur place.

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Yea I think the covid started later in your country that’s why
Here in UK we are seeing improvements 15 June non essential shops will open again.

Good to see that your fine. Stay safe. :slight_smile:

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u too stay safe take care

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