I have a big fear of rattlesnakes! In this video I was rooting for the bobcat the whole time.
I’m afraid of snakes, but maybe not as bad now that I’m older. My grandmother told me when I was little I was poking a poisonous snake (I don’t remember the exact one she said), and the dog went and bit it’s head off in front of me.
I would rather die from a poison bite of a small snake than being swallowed alive by a non venomenous big snake like the Anaconda.
I’m not a fan of them. Just cuz I start thinking if there going to lash at me.
I’ve heard rattlers in the forest when mtn biking.
Do they have anaconda in Florida?
They have freakin’ alligators here!! Those monsters will drag you down to the bottom of a river or swamp, roll you over and over until they drown you, and then eat you. No joke!!! THAT scares me!!
That’s pretty scary.
We have bears and cougars. There usually out of sight tho but I bet they see us lol
Wow @anon54988740 that would be an intense visual display!
Yes @Aziz I see what you mean. Yikes!
I am afraid of methaddicts.
Thanks @anon97859349. I’m not as bad about being afraid now. I live in downtown Little Rock and don’t see wildlife anymore.
As a teenager I had a pet ball python…it was a novel pet and pretty cool to carry around, but after a couple of years it was pretty boring. So, no, I don’t fear snakes…I fear big, furry-ass spiders!
Here kitty, kitty. Good job bobcat.
Yes big time! My dad wanted his ashes dumped in the woods. Ain’t gonna happen.
Full o snakes find a better place.
Snakes? I can’t stand the little bastiches.
I live in a town named after the carpet snake. It’s a harmless constrictor that gets pretty big but with residential moving in they are getting rare. I’m not a fan. We have too many really dangerous snakes out here although most are out in the bush…still. I’ve seen enough in my life to not risk annoying them.
I love snakes! My sister owns a python, and it is just the sweetest danger noodle ever.
I’m thinking about getting one for myself somewhere down the line.
Insects and snakes both freak me the heck out.