Sorry, as question above.
Seen some potential early signs
Going to call a helpline
Sorry, as question above.
Seen some potential early signs
Going to call a helpline
My dad had dementia when his cancer spread to his brain. It was pretty scary to watch. I’m sorry you are dealing with this.
I’m so sorry about your Dad.
Thanks ninjastar
I think it’s just beginning
Doing research
Some of it may be normal aging. If you’re concerned, I would recommend having your parent evaluated for memory issues and dementia.
My mom’s boyfriend has dementia. It got progressively worse and he’s now in a small privately run dementia care home since my mom could no longer take care of him. She facetimes with him since she can’t visit him due to the coronavirus restrictions on visiting nursing homes. He seems quite content and happy in the care home from what my mom says and he still remembers who she is when they facetime.
First her personality has changed recently… more abrasive and abrupt
I think that can be normal age related…
She also had a bit of a stressful time organising her debts recently
Then further few weeks later to this last couple of weeks
I know this is against lockdown but her mental health as a carer to my schizophrenic sister she needed time with me
Last week I stayed one night. She put my meds in the strangest place, behind a clouded glass door in the kitchen dresser. Next to some chocolate.
She later accused me of eating her last chocolate repeatedly, and after an hour of looking for my meds she saw them through the glass, at which point I knew what chocolate she had been talking about.
2 weeks ago she looked at a blue ornament and remembered it well, that she had bought it for herself because she thought it was beautiful.
Today she asked me about it because she had no memory of having seen it.
What should I do? Wait until I see her in a week or 2?
She Is intending to take the car to hundred miles sharing the driving with my sister who hardly does any of the driving
An option would be to meet my sister sometime in the next week and just ask her what she thinks…If she has noticed anything
I’m asking about simple basics I know my husband has a job interview coming up so I’m trying to keep it together
I suspect that may be more stress related with all of the coronavirus worries and stuff.
Some of the memory issues you mention could be age related or could be early signs of dementia. It’s difficult to tell.
I thought it sounds more like a brain issue because of how she accused me of eating her chocolate several times
And to forget a beloved item entirely
Is you mom a safe driver normally? Do you have any reason to believe that her ability to drive has deteriorated recently?
You could definitely ask your sister her opinion although she might let your mom know you were asking. Do you feel comfortable speaking directly with your mom about your concerns?
I suppose so yes I’ll talk to her.
Thank you
Not other than slowing down
She has had a lens replacement in one eye and the other just keeps getting worse
My grandma had epilepsy all her life. She had dementia at the end of her life. I grew up seeing her go through epilepsy. It’s tough.
I hope things get better for you.hugs
Thanks roxanna
That sounds really difficult
I’m wondering if FaceTime is the best for this conversation
But I now won’t see her for a week or 2
Why can’t you see her? Maybe FaceTime early?
I mean in person, she lives a couple of hours away or by car 45mins
Oh sorry about that.
I forgot about lockdown. Lol. Awww well darn
My husband is on nights tonight.
I could go catch the bus but that’s mad
We don’t have that many cases round here if covid, but it’s still public transport
My father’s dementia was likely caused by cancer as it developed quickly months after his lung cancer began. It went on for about 3-4 months. My brothers mainly experienced as I often couldn’t be there. I first noticed it was at the bowling alley when he was constantly sitting down after one bowl not being aware he would need a second bowl. At other times during that outing he appeared to stare blankly. Some terrible moments occurred when my twin’s kids were visiting including a moment where he was coming out of the store after using the bathroom and stared at us a long time while everyone yelled at him before finally boarding the van. Then there was the card game where he won the bid, took 15 minutes or more to declare the trump suit and then lost miserably. (we stopped the game). Later pictures of him included a blank stare he had that made it obvious what it was. He eventually thought my twin was someone else. One bright moment was the final chess game with him. He said he didn’t know what he was doing but the old playing skills won him the game. He didn’t know what checkmate meant any more and said that there shouldn’t be mating between family members. Scary but kinda funny at the same time.