Anyone been through a parent’s dementia

I’m sorry you and he went through that.

That’s real one thing after another for you.

I’ve not seen a blank stare but on YouTube just now
It seems terrifying

My Mom passed away from advanced dementia.

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That’s terrible.
Wave, I’m so sorry

What alerted you first?
Was it a long course of illness?

Thanks @Three
Yes it was a long course of illness.

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I’m sorry
I don’t know if coping is exactly possible
Did she get tested? And at what point?

I feel like going there tomorrow and just keep to outside
I can cycle half way but not the main roads
I’ll get the first free bus
I got used to not allowed to go anywhere

She got tested in her late 70s and she died at 86.

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My wife’s onset of dementia seemed very dramatic , but it could be I just didn’t pick up on the signs that something was amiss . The first red flag ,for me, was her getting very irate, in the middle of the night, about several open lemonade bottles . The thing being there was none there at all.

The next might sound trivial . It was her saying she hated tinned tomatoes . In our nearly 20 years together she had said on several occasions that she preferred tin tomatoes . Things got really bad when she began not wanting to eat . By the time she got into the ward where she’d be observed and assessed she 'd gone from being slightly overweight to thin as a rake .

I mentioned my concerns at a psych appointment and was given the brush off. Ditto with the GP. In the end my eldest stepchild who’s usually been very self centred and spoilt did step up to the plate and drive us to the hospital to get her checked . The result was a nurse who deals with this kind of thing started making regular visits .

After a while she was on a dementia/geriatric ward . She was given tests, and it was established she had vascular dementia . She’d had a string of silent strokes . This can happen after a person has had a larger,initial stroke . She’d had that stroke 12 years before .


Wave, that will have taken a lot of strength.

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I’m so sorry for the ineffectiveness of the care system
It can just be that much worse if you aren’t taken seriously

You must miss her, I’m sorry

My mum had recently been hit by a car and then dropped by some care Staff couple of weeks after having her foot bone reconnected to the leg bone
She had dvt and pulmonary embolism,
I can’t really comment though about the what ifs
Going to see if I cansuggest her to get an appointment


I hope you can get help for your mum soon .

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