Any tips on how to get on with my brother in law this christmas

I dread having to meet him this Christmas day. WE don’t get on and only eber say hello and nothing else. How do I put up with him? We currently just ignore each other.

I’m a great believer in avoidance. That’s probably why I am diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder.

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There will be a few people on my ■■■■ list this year, that are going to the family gathering at my brother’s house this Christmas Eve - I will make sure to say very little to them, maybe some very small talk - like Hi how are you doing.

I am planting myself on a quiet out of the way seat in the house, next to my Mom who is frail and feeble.
Hopefully not too many people will come my way, and if they do, I will keep the conversation short and polite


Be superficial and pleasant with him, pretend he is an animal at the zoo, feed him a tidbit knowing you aren’t his main meal and move on to the next person you like. Nothing wrong with that.
Remember, you can pick your friends, but , you can’t pick your family. It takes all kinds to make a family, treat them in kind as needed, and give less time to those deserved.


Just stay a little while-long enough and leave…plus all of the above!**

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It’s not my brother-in law I fear, it’s my mother and father-in-law I’m dreading dealing with. I have to listen to him pray over dinner which lasts 15 minutes and the food gets cold. Maybe I should offer to him to pray and give thanks for the meal after we’ve eaten it. Maybe not…I hate living here and want to escape.

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