Hey fam, anyone take supps in here? …does it affect u pscholigcally at all?
Ive been clean from supp for awhile. but would like to know other ppls stuff … cause im a sneaky beak xD but nah haha
Hey fam, anyone take supps in here? …does it affect u pscholigcally at all?
Ive been clean from supp for awhile. but would like to know other ppls stuff … cause im a sneaky beak xD but nah haha
I take whey protein after every workout, started creatine and beta-alanine recently but I’ve only take them once so far.
Do u feel any different on the whey dude? Do u notice any change? not sure how to explain it… like… u know that moment u know u took too much coffee and boom anxiety…but whey? is ok? I got creatine stored And pre workout but i stopped. taking them all including the whey.
Pre workout causes psychosis. I think that and a supp contributed to me developing sza
Clear muscle increases protein synthesis
Yeah alot of caffeine in pre.
Kinda why I quit working out. Can’t take it. Plus I have no motivation
Whats ur thoughts on protein powder? Not sure if i should take it again.
Other than a bit of bloating I haven’t noticed affecting me in any other whey. hehe
I been thinking about that n I think it’d be ok. Idk about mass gainers
@catsrcool let me know if u noticed any weird side effects . mentally k cool
Paging @anon1571434, he’s good with this stuff.
Will do.
Before I get started, I’m going to put this out there that for health reasons, you should not take supplements unless you need to. You should try to get everything you need from natural food because problems arise when things go through processing. Even bottled water is less healthy than tap water. That being said, when you come to the conclusion that you need a supplement, be careful on which one you buy and which dose you take. They are all ridiculously high dosed that it’s dangerous for a lot of them. And which brand you buy may be lying to you. It might not have any vitamins at all and/or have deadly ingredients. They are not regulated by the FDA in this way, even at grocery stores like Walmart. Some are certified by certain organizations but there are higher grades of supplements like pharmaceutical grade (which is given by prescription).
So after all that, I’ll have you know that despite what I have just said, I take supplements. I’ve researched the ones I take, although more can always be done.
Creatine is good, however it’s meant for only 4-8 week cycles where you switch from taking to not taking every 4-8 weeks. It’s meant to give you energy and help your work out longer. After those 4-8 weeks though the effects are null. (also it will weaken your muscles if you take too much)
Protein powder is good, no qualms with that. Just don’t take too much and know the difference between whey and isolate.
Carbs are essential. Will need lots of these. Have some complex carbs instead of simple ones like sugar. Or at least more than simple ones.
Vitamins I take are Vitamin B, Vitamin D, and Zinc. Really I don’t need zinc but it’s there in case I do. Vitamin D is because I live in Michigan and it’s the time of year the sun is hiding.
By the way, I am pretty buff. I have a collection of selfies that show off this feature.
Yeah dude ur defs not bulky but an appealing Lean body
I used to be smaller
Dem gains. never said u were small. i took a hit of protein just then to check… i felt calm… but maybe it was the add of the milk
My husband was Mr. ------- ( enter our state we live in for heavyweight bodybuilding) for our state in bodybuilding. He says there’s heavy stimulants in preworkouts that are garbage and not good for sz. He says you can take transparent labs preseries workout lean pre workout and bulk preworkout that is ok because you know what’s really in it. For instance, it doesn’t say proprietary blend which doesn’t tell you what’s in it. It might still have stimulant that isn’t ok for sz but you’ll know what’s really in it and can decide if it’s right for you. Also, there is a non-stimulant pre workout from evogen labs and a person that promotes it is Seth Feroce. My husband swears by it. He says there’s no ■■■■■■■■ in it. Good luck!
I take a whole food multi vitamin, pre workout, creatine, glutamine, and a good BCAA. I take fish oil as well.
I misread “any bodhisattvas in here?”