Anxiety attack early today

I usually experience panic/anxiety later on in the day but i am going through one earlier today brought on by nervousness of my surroundings. I fear when i can not swallow i start to panic. I need to tell myself that i can swallow and can breathe. I hope it will pass even though i have to wait a long time usually mentally exhausted waiting for sleep to come…

waiting this early evening to take my medication, but my medication does not help with these panic attacks and i don’t think these attacks are based upon withdrawal which my family believes
i don’t know if they are contributing to them because i take busbar in the morning and i don’t suffer an anxiety attack because of them even though in the evening i still have an anxiety attack even though i take them at night

I hope that you find some relief soon, Anxiety Attacks are Hell - I know I experience a lot of fears and anxiety, everyday.

My meds help so much - I take Klonopin everyday and have grown tolerant of them, so they dont work so well anymore.

I also take Meteprolol Succinate a Beta Blocker for my high blood pressure and Anxiety - it helps probably more than the Klonopin.

Try to relax somehow - listen to soft music or distract yourself doing other things - Best of luck to you

Thanks Wave,
will ask bout the Meteprolol Succinate for my anxiety.

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i hope you are feeling bettter today :sunny:
take care :alien: