Another psychiatric evaluation

My case manager told me that the charity organization I belong to wants me to get another psych evaluation.
I guess that it is required if I want to continue receiving services.

I’ll ask my doctor about giving me another one.

The psych hospital performed one on me 3 years ago.
They diagnosed me with schizoaffective bipolar type.

Should be interesting.


I hope you continue to get whatever help you need. Are you worried you might not?

No I’m not worried.
Thanks @LilyoftheValley

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I’d love another evaluation. A lot of times I doubt I have sz and would love the reassurance that I’m not just making it all up. You know?

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Yeah my diagnoses have always been either SZA or bipolar or both.

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Mine was pd then sz then sz with depression. I just don’t know. Maybe it’s borderline and I’m just making all this up?


Why don’t you get another opinion from a different psychiatrist @LED?

Mostly insurance. But even still I was just in the hospital in August and was semi evaluated there and in the ER and everyone agreed the sz diagnosis was fitting. I guess it’s more just a worry of mine because my family has a history of making me believe I’m making everything up for attention. Hasn’t been an issue for 15 years but it still sticks with me, I guess.

I’m sorry that your family does this to you.

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Sorry your family does this to you @LED. I wish they would be more supportive.


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