I’m collecting all my old medical records (anything psych related) for my disability appeal. Yesterday I got the records from my first commitment and discovered that the doctor diagnosed me with “Major Depressive Disorder with History of Psychosis”. Is that the same as MDD with Psychotic Features?
Is it common/plausible for someone with SzA like myself to be misdiagnosed with MDD/Psychotic Features early on? Dude.
I think it’s very common since the DSM has so many mental disorders (265) and “sub types” of mental disorders. Also, people’s mental health status changes over time. I’ve had many mental health diagnoses in my lifetime. Yeah, it’s confusing.
I had the psychotic depression DX at one point early on. But for whatever reason every time I go to the puzzle factory I get slapped with a psychosis NOS. Fortunately, it’s been five years since I’ve been in a psych ward so that’s nice. Probably should have been in there over Christmas though. Yes DX tends to change over time though.
Diagnosis can change either via changes in the presentation of the illness or,due to a certain degree of subjectivity in the process,coming under a different pdoc.
In the first instance the original dx may have been right at the time it was made. In the second instance who’s to say whether the first or second pdoc is right? The main thing is are you getting the support and treatment you need.
Mental illness sucks…!!! I am also having hard time to my diagnosis…!!! Previously depression then anxiety …!!! later mixed anxiety …!! Cuz my self esteem was poor …!!! they say it takes time to get right Diagnosis…!!!