It’s 12:40am, and I just showered. I’ve been bathing about once a week on the weekends.
When did you last clean up and how often do you do it?
It’s 12:40am, and I just showered. I’ve been bathing about once a week on the weekends.
When did you last clean up and how often do you do it?
I shower mostly Monday to Fridays.
Will take a shower tomorrow
Thanks @Zoe. I should probably shower more often. I’m just concerned about falling with my arthritis. I can’t really use my cane in the bathtub.
I think I showered on Friday
Going to have another one in a bit
Got some more ear piercings yesterday, so going to have to keep clean to avoid them getting infected!
Thanks Joker. I never thought about having to keep piercings clean. You learn something every day.
You have to clean them with a salt water solution twice a day with cotton buds for 4-6 weeks after
Thanks. 15151515
I shower almost every day currently. Maybe I miss a day every now and then.
Bathed last night. Always with a bit of Dettol in the water.
Probably every couple of days lately. I put an echo dot with a battery pack in there and chill out for an hour with some tealights .
OK I feel super dirty cos I didn’t shower yesterday.
Might need to take a shower I reallt don’t like getting started on that tday as it’s rest day
I just showered.
I didn’t particularly want to, but I’m doing laundry and procrastinating and I thought I should probably change clothes.
Good on you for doing laundry. It’s my turn tomorrow I actually find laundry the worst chore
I shower once in two days. But its a struggle this, i lack energy
Dont worry, we are fragile for the showerings lol…
In fact, on the second day after a shower, i already start to feel dirty. I sweat quite a lot from too much anxiety and stress…
At my worst, i couldnt shower, but even now, its still a big effort as i said …
Glad you did it though, hugs!
Thanks @Anna1 @Zoe. My new apartment has water pressure, but it takes awhile for the water to warm up. I’m not as adverse to showering now. The showerhead is on a hose which makes it easier to rinse. It’s not so much a chore now.
Yea showering is honestly such a great feeling in particular when one hasn’t done it in a while.
Glad you have an okay shower there that is good
I shower once a day, every day. My hygiene is impeccable. I can’t go a day without showering.
If it is a hot busy day at work, and I sweat a lot, I might have a second shower when I get home.
Thanks Headspark. I need to get in the habit of showering more often. I’m mostly inside and sedate because of my COPD and heart issue.
i had a bath today. wednesday i have a shower.
I don’t know if this counts since I shower my body regularly (every day or every other day) but I have been neglecting to wash and detangle my hair lately. Last night I detangled and styled it for the first time in 9 days.
My scalp is still sore but I don’t have any more matted spots. And I’m not embarrassed to go out without a hat on now.