How many of you have anosognosia?
I’d say for a while now, I’d say oh I know I’m ill, but would continue in the elebrate circus of my mind of divergent ideas and agendas, and trying to position stability.
i guess I’m somewhat of a electrical repairman
Today was great and I hope I continue to adapt such thinking, because I’m not just aware of my illness, I understand that I am.
For a long time, I knew I had “schizophrenia”, like I knew the idea
but had different cause(s) and ways to work in my head.
Ex: my line of thinking was getting rid of a delusion, or trying to ignore symptoms or fight them.
I always had in my mind, “I am ill, and this is a illness” pretty much, but was in the full circuit and circus of it, and didn’t completely and compassionally understand and accept the reality.
So today I really understood I was ill,
It really helped me to settle down and settle back in,
(Kind of made me less of a repairman, someone on nightshift, a construction architect, or a spokesperson)
I still am though. X.x
I guess the fight never ends, but now I’m going to be working on self acceptance and the future is looking beautiful.
truly understanding that I’m ill is a blessing to me.
really knowing that the matter is illness, really did a good number for me.
So I have a question, how many of you deal with anosognosia, and how is your experience with it