Anhedonia with schizoaffective?

I am wondering if it’s possible to experience anhedonia if you have schizoaffective, and not just straight schizophrenia?

I am beginning to think my relentless depression and lack of motivation is actually sz negative symptoms.

I guess if it is, I can stop chasing the right medication solution that eludes me.

I know hardly anything about negative symptoms, so appreciate any help someone can provide.


I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type and I have anhedonia and avolition and other negative symptoms. I don’t feel any pleasure from anything. I’m not depressed but not really happy either. I’m just existing and surviving and I only do things I need to do.


Yes, you can have negative symptoms with sza based on info I’ve seen on the internet.

Not necessarily. Sometimes meds can also be a contributing factor in negatives. I think they call that “secondary negatives”? I am schizophrenic with some negatives and still am searching for the right balance on meds. I have seen increased mood before, and wish to find it again…

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I have schizoaffective, too, and don’t really have anhedonia but do have avolition.


Both sza and sz can have negative symptoms. Some with sz don’t even have negative symptoms or are minimal.

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Thanks so much for the replies.

I have this on my list to discuss with my pnurse, but I dont see her until Sunday afternoon.

Wanted to get some experiences from you guys as well.

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Yes it’s not only possible but it’s very common!

I’m diagnosed with Schizoaffective mixed type and I suffer with both avolition and anhedonia

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Thank you.

I strongly believe I have both of those.

It would explain why these two things are so relentless…it’s absolutely terrible for many years. I hate being this way.

I’m one of those people who always has to know why.

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I also have anedonia as well as severe apathy, everything is just blah… no excitement just blah…


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