And I never looked at myself again

Discovering a naked male, looking down at myself for my own. What a disappointment ! Not there ! And now the job is to keep the phantom boys out of my head so I can look at myself with female appreciation.

I remember my brother running around on the beds after his bath when I was about 4. I thought what I had was as good as his. I THINK the feeling was genuine though people now tell me - no, couldn’t be…

I was watching a documentary about early civilzation and saw am ancient Greek sculpture witht the body of an animal, maybe a bull? The head of what was obviously a man and where the crotch was…a hole.

And I chuckled and just thought how bizarre it was. It honestly reminded me of you’re posts.

When my mother gave me the birds/bees talk I thought she was full of â– â– â– â– . Like oh right, guys have this magical body part that they can make grow and shrink with their thoughts, gimme a break.

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My second serious girlfrined told me that when she was younger she imagined the male sexual organ functioning much like a watering can, having many little holes rather than just one. I always thought this was hilarious. I always enjoyed the rare occasion she’d share a childhood memory.

Lol. A watering can.

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My great-grandmother used the metaphorical “garden” descriptor for women’s reproductive parts. as in, a lady has a “garden” within her, which her husband “waters”, and then it bears fruit… i.e. a baby. (found this out overhearing an argument btwn grandma and mom re: mom’s matter-of-fact sex ed talks)

such a weird analogy. maybe that’s where your gf got the watering can concept, from another female relative who couldn’t bear to discuss actual reproductive systems as they exist in humans. sheesh.