A sneaky interest in breasts

I’m kind of shy and embarrassed by my fixation. I know its being a big baby, but what can I do about it?


lol Chordy…:slight_smile: funny.

hehe yea, that is funny =D

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Have a peek is natural, dont worry too much. I think you just overthink or have an ocd

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i would love to be a guy for a day and fully understand the fascination with boobies

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Im a guy and i dont like much of boobs. Im an ass guy, my girl could be conpletely A- boob size


I’m a girl with a breast fascination.


I think most people, male or female have some sort of fascination with the female breast.

Many of us were breast fed as infants.

It starts from there.


I think breasts are awesome. I always donate spare change when I see those breast cancer things by the cash register in the store as I want to do my part to help make sure there is always a fresh, healthy supply in the future.



Thats very creepy said but good job. Those money for breast cancer can save lifes

Filthy thread so far. "Do my bristols look big in this?’ Dear me, welcome to the smutphrenia forum.

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Lol I don’t think guys are obsessed it’s just an indicator of a female who would likely be able to provide milk for a number of offspring

It’s one fundamental aspect of what men look at when finding a mate though I would say personality and character are number 1.

Men with higher testosterone are attracted to women with higher estrogen and vice versa because they are more fertile and likely to bear children. A higher voice, some fat storage around hips and chest, a feminine facial structure all are indicators of a woman likely to bear children.

This is just one of 1000 factors though for example an unintelligent woman would be a poor mother and thus unattractive as a mate. Also strong legs for running, and clear eyes which give some indication of health.

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i said fascinated, not obsessed. :stuck_out_tongue:

obsessed implies that their interest in breasts interferes with normal functioning.

i don’t think all men necessarily care about that since not all men want kids

am i right or am i wrong…i don’t know,…,

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At least I’m not openly cataloging all the places I’ve fapped like the psychiatric ward? That was … strange. And I really do like breasts, but they need to be organic and free range. Just say no to factory farmed breasts.


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Lol you have a point sorry my mistake. And I think deep down we all have a desire to propagate our genes. It’s just over ridden or suppressed for some purpose; either good or bad purposes.

Evolution does not care about the individual much, it cares about the survival and procreation of our gene pool. Which is why we’re so concerned with it as humans lol

But again desire is only an emotion and your intellect (higher thinking faculties) can rule over those desires.

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I like a nice pair of tits like the next bloke whos got a cock. But i dont dwell on it. Ive had women stare at my bollox when ive had tight jeans on too. Its natural human behaviour.

Being BI - i like a nice pair of biceps too - tho its a turn off if they have a beard.

Wide hips do get me tho on a women too. Maybe its a biological thing - like child bearing. But as far as women are concerned and not blokes - i like them to have at least a bit of fat on them :flushed:

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That girl really looks like she could do with a watermelon reduction procedure. Anyway, we should only be discussing tits in a recovery context, recovery from what I don’t know, but recovery.

My wife’s, er, equipment, can be a nice distraction from my positive symptoms. Much more effective than a PRN I’d say.


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This reminds me of notting Hill movie. Whats with men and breasts Julia roberts say

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