Am I sleeping to much

Im sleeping close to 12 hours per night. How long do you sleep for a night?


I’m lucky if I do sleep at night. I usually end up sleeping on and off over a few days and then crash for a day and night. It’s weird and hectic

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I usually sleep around the same amount of time as you per day. However, my psychiatrist has told me to sleep around 7-8 hours a day.

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Yeah, my nurse said the same thing to me, she wants me to go to bed later at night and get up earlier. I just can’t do it.

Which antipsychotic are you on?

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Im on Paliperidone and perphenazine but I also take mirtazapine which makes me tired as well.

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Ah two of those make sense. Mirtazapinr is something I’ve been on too. It also made it difficult to wake up for me too

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I sleep about an hour and a half and then get up if I wear the cpap and 2 to 3 hours without it. The 2 to 3 hours has been going on for a long time. i have to split my sleep up all throughout the day. Not to minimize your frustration, but I would gladly trade you for 12 hours straight.

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Sorry to hear your having trouble with your cpap, I had to try out different masks for mine untill I found the right one.

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Usually 8 - 9 hours.

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12 hours is a lot. But if it makes you feel better then it’s necessary

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On clozapine and zyprexa i was sleeping 11-12 hours a night, and setting alarms was useless. Now on latuda and vraylar I’m lucky if i get 6. I kind of miss the long sleeps, they made figuring out what to do with my awake time easier.


I also sleep around 12 hours.

I can live with it.

But hoping that I will sleep less without clozapine.

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I try to get 8 hours sleep but often it’s 5 to 8 hours instead

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I was sleeping 12-14 hours a day when i was on haldol. Try doing that for 5 years! Theres a happy medium for everything, either extreme is bad. Too much sleep and you miss most of the day and are groggy for the rest of the time you are up. Too little sleep and your tired. Both give anxiety. Your sleeping during the day and up at night many times when your sleeping that long. Its hell.

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