Am I faking? Symptom shopping?

When I think about that post about people who symptom shop, I feel like it was made about me.

I feel like my family, my drs, the insurance company, the government, and even people here believe I’m faking my mental illnesses.

I don’t know. Am I faking? I’ve been diagnosed with sz for 16 years now by many drs.

Maybe my dr will stop all my meds, my therapist will blacklist me, my insurance will drop me from coverage, and I’ll have to somehow repay the government my disability payments I have received. :grimacing:


As long as you have been honest, there is nothing to worry about.


A lot of legit schizophrenics feel that they are “faking it”. If you were truly faking, you would know it. I think you’re fine.


I agree I feel like it’s something a lot of people go through when they’re first diagnosed especially. When they’re not sure if they’re actually sz.


It’s not unusual to feel targeted by anything when your schizophrenic. It’s just that- you think it’s about you but that’s in your head. Lickity ur cool don’t worry


I wonder if I exaggerated my sza but alot of doctors disagree infact all but one said I’m being real not fake and my therapist laughed at the doctor and called him a quack and he’s heard similar thing from other patients but I don’t think I have manic symptoms since 2020 and where do you draw the line just sayiny


I can’t diagnose or un diagnose however nobody here thinks your faking it

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Also you forgot to mention that if there faking it you would have to plan ahead and you would have to practice acting and you wouldn’t “think” you would know

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