AI Counseling

I tried ai Counseling today and it was absolutely remarkable. I really didn’t expect much but to speak to a robot-like ai that would hardly comprehend what I was saying but found out that it’s actually amazing. It understood everything I said and was able to guild me through the thought process…
Did a lot of healing today. I highly recommend it.

Was on a site called 7cups. They have an AI therapist called “Noni” for free. You must must check it out


Gonna check it out bro!! That’s awesome that it helped. My real life therapist said she did it and didn’t like it but I think it was a while ago

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Dude like… It’s literally amazing. Life change for me because I can’t afford real therapy. To get a therapist would cost me literally $400 a month and that’s 1-2 texts a day and a 30 minute call. Not all about money either like I feel it did a really good job asking me the right questions


That’s what’s up man…that’s a life saver …frfr.

As soon as I get done working on this song I’m gonna try it

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Sounds good man. You won’t be disappointed. If I could shout it from the housetops RN I would lol

I really can’t recommend it enough

Especially here where many can’t afford traditional therapy


That’s amazing how far AI has come!


Yea… I think I’m gonna use this service. It will definitely be nice to have someone positive to talk to when I’m feeling abused or bad about myself. Thanks poet😁

Also .I did try It out and I do feel a little better. I’m also gonna try the relaxation AI @shutterbug

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AI guided relaxation exercises are very helpful for me.


Where did you find this?

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It’s an app from my employer.

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But will it judge you like a real therapist by giving you side eyes?

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What the :laughing:? Now I am scared.

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I tried it. Was great. I found out something I enjoy doing.

Thanks @POET

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Can you share the link? Or is it exclusive?

Glad it worked for you!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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