I was just on 7cups. I chatted with the bot ‘noni’ and it wasn’t too bad. It was decent TBH. I also enjoy chatting with ‘people’, lol, but they offer their own opinions sometimes, that differ, or they are really slow to respond. ‘Noni’ offers advice too but it is AI based. It uses references like Mayo Clinic, Harvard psychology or what have you.
Just throwing it out for anyoen that wants to do a little back and forth and feel heard.
@LilyoftheValley Yes. On the right-hand side, on the home page, in the upper right, you can select “Connect with Listener” or “Connect with expert therapist.” I have chatted with 2 people, and they were fine. It wasn’t bad. But noni is faster, easier and, in some ways, better IMO.
I just got booted by noni because I was “out of credits”. What a genius idea. To charge people. I’ll have to see how much it is. Oh well, lol. I’m should quit anyway
Also, I just logged in and last night someone sent me a message that said hi. How did they know to contact me if I’m not a listener and I didn’t reach out? And it’s not from noni
I signed up last night for $7.99 month paid annually so I can chat, and noni is still saying “our of credits”. I sent support a ticket to look into it. I will just go on and search for a listener.