AD confusion. Poll

I’ve been thinking of asking for an AD.
Im not depressed but I have depressed thinking. If you can understand this it’s a Christmas miracle

Im quite critical with myself, quite disappointed in myself, quite an ass with myself.

I’m not sad neither do it sit all day doing nothing.
I’m preety active and can’t sit still to much, I need activities.

If I’m not depressed but take an AD will this make me?

  • Better
  • Worse
  • No changes
  • A vampire

0 voters

I voted vampire cause I dream of being one

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I tried an ad twice…first one mostly blunted my emotions, good and bad, which imho is the whole point of how & why an AD works. Second made me impulsive (even more than normal), artificially happy, energetic and slightly hypomanic. ADs changed my emotions (–> numb), not my thinking. I voted “worse”.

I think an AD works to stop feeling stuff (emotional pain). Not to change thinking patterns.

Sorry btw you’re thinking badly of yourself…I know how it feels (see other topic). Hope you can see things more positively, have you tried therapy? What is the reason you are so harsh and disappointed about yourself?

I voted vampire because vampires are cool :sunglasses:

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I thought the same a while back but I never cashed the script in.

I think antipsychotic drugs do enough, don’t want to take more if I don’t need too

If you are like me the sz mind can have quite negative effects that does not necesseraly mean depression. I dont think anti depressents would help that for me I think it is best for me to stick with aps. I have been depressed before where i felt a bit hopeless, I have a lot better outlook on life now.

Yea so many symptoms overlap one another nowadays its very hard to actually pinpoint a specific disorder.

Whether an anti depressant would be beneficial to you from what you have said is up to debate.

Im not a doctor so i cant say but from what ive read in your post you dont really sound depressed…

If you’re not depressed then I’d stay away from ADs. They will affect you with more unpleasant side effects.

Ignore my vote I totally misunderstood it.

I take Celexa at night so it doesn’t make me drowsy. I’m not nearly as down and not at all suicidal with it. I’m going to keep taking it for sure.