@Aziz here's the thread. Say what you want to say

Here ya go. But first let me say I think you do suffer from depression and you do need an antidepressant. Anyone living the life you’re living who wasn’t depressed would be strange.

All my psychiatrists said I don’t have depression.


I wish I had depression instead of sz negative symptoms as there are meds for depression.

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Clearly they are lacking since you aren’t doing well.

I even asked them to prescribe me antidepressants and they refused.

I think you should revisit the subject with your new pdoc.


Don t do liposuction.its dangerous.you need your fat cells.they produce also hormones


Antidepressants can sometimes help negative symptoms @Aziz


Definitely helped for me


Antidepressant helped me too. I used to sit all day long staring into space doing nothing. Now I do my chores have hobbies etc. It can help.


I cant force my Drs to prescribe me ads, they’re right I am not depressed. Dr suggested Clozapine and Modafinil so I will be trying them.

Are you on ADs for negative symptoms?

Besides I took 5htp which is an ad that increases serotonin, it just messed up my sleep.

@Bowens said ADs didn’t help his negative symptoms.

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@Headspark My Drs said even a small Abilify dose can cause the same problems I had so they won’t prescribe it. She prescribed me Clozapine, hopefully it works.

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Yeah, I believe I am in the same situation as @Aziz , as far as antidepressants go. I tried two since I have developed negative symptoms and they made no difference. As a matter of fact one raised my liver enzymes but had no effect on me otherwise. So it had a detrimental effect with no positive results.

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AD don’t help me either. They just made me feel worse overall


ADs help when depression is the majority of a psychotic disorder (as in psychotic depression). Mine is 90% really bad depression and 10% psychosis. If depression is severe, it is really difficult to maintain a functional life. So I have to have ADs or I’m basically going to live in severe depression.


I think you are going to gain more weight on clozapine than on risperidone

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Yea but if my negative symptoms improve I will be able to exercise and lose weight.

The medicine makes you gain more weight though but we shall see

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