They seemed to make me manic so I was happy but crazy at the same time. Wellbutrin also made my positive symptoms worse plus irritability and anger.
How to be happy?
i have never found that anti depressants made me happy. feel wierd yes. fry my nervous system check. have strnge side effects. but they never made me happy.
Weird, I thought since depression is about being sad all tge time ADs must do the opposite and promote happiness.
I am on a crazy high dose of ADs and I’m still not happy. I’m not suicidal at least. I honestly feel like they don’t do much but I behave myself and keep taking them.
Depression can present itself in much more ways than sadness. It shares a lot of symptoms with what negative symptoms are
ADs are not happy pills, they’re “not soul-crushingly depressed” pills to take while you learn to be happy in therapy
I take Prozac. It was once dubbed “the happy pill”. But I don’t really feel happy. Slightly less annoyed, yes. Depression can be a b1tch.
I believe therapy and CBT works on for certain symptoms, certain way of looking at the world and coping. But some things it can never fix.
For mental illness, some treatment is different for everyone. Just cause it works for some or most, doesn’t mean it will work for me or you.
I’m happier since I’m taking Wellbutrin. I guess we all respond differently to meds.
I like ADs.
ADs are instant manic pills for me.
No way
The first week I took Wellbutrin I felt “happy” then it went away.
When I went on seroxat with small dose of stelazine I was manic I never felt so good but now I’m on duloxetine and I’m not happy
If ADs made you manic then you might have schizoaffective @Aziz
Yea I brought it up to my last pdoc but he ignored me
Why did you stop it? It made your positive symptoms worse?
I’m on an AD and I’m not happy, but at least I’m not anxious as much
I stopped because besides of making my positive symptoms and memory worse my pdoc didn’t want me on it.
The one I take just puts me to sleep mainly.
Wellbutrin doesn’t affect my positive symptoms much that I can tell. Doesn’t make me manic. Just removes the suicidal urges that return whenever I go off the med. Seems like it does put a bit more pep in my step and that helps. I don’t have any reason to feel suicidal, I just do. It’s probably the best med out of all the meds I take TBH.