Acquiring skill

I am trying to acquire a skill or two. So that i can earn more and be in a respectable position. But the mind always fail to get interested or involve in studying. I get started but to persist it is getting really tough. I even have spent quite some money towards it. Still the resources bought remains untouched. Is there anything that can improve my interest?

I really don’t know. My cognitive function is not good

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Its okay Om. I am working and need to up my skills to move to the next level. So just curious being mentally ill and yet try to achieve achievable feats is what i am looking for.

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My therapist gave me homework that might help you. She told me I have to do something I suck at at least once a week. So I started playing guitar. I had taught myself a bit, then fell out of practice and never had the motivation to get better again. Because the point was to be bad, and not to do well, it took the pressure off learning. Now, I’m actually pretty good at guitar. I started in January for half an hour a week.


Good job @Ninjastar! It’s hard to stick to something when you feel like you’re terrible at it. And now you’re doing good because of it :). So cool! I haven’t managed that in my life. So way to go!

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Your piece of advice is really valuable. Infact i like to be a guitarist. Since 15 years i had started learning and buying guitars. But still i am novice. I know few songs to play. But not a 15 year old in it definitely. Cos of lack of focus and interest. I will try it and see every week as u say. Thanks.

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