Having trouble finding hobbies?

I don’t know what I enjoy. Everything I do Im not good at nor do I have the patience to do. I just do know anymore


Actually I’ve got much better at this lately. Been reading and watching movies a lot. As well as everything else I usually do

They say stoners just sit around the tv all day. But when I was high I could never watch tv/movies. Just lose concentration

My life has improved in so many ways. My train of thought has drastically improved also. And other things. Since I drastically cut down on cannabis. And my lungs have improved. I’m happy :blush:


Do you have trouble sticking to things? I used to in the past. This illness ironically made me appreciate the kind of effort it takes to get good at something just by virtue of everything being a struggle

It takes a lot of patience, which is a skill in itself that can be learned. I saw you said you arent good at singing, I actually made a song once called Wish I Could Sing about two years ago and it was awful and meant to be a joke, but I actually really tried my best haha

I eventually recruited @anon10648258 to sing it for me and she crushed it even with a shtty phone mic. I got so discouraged and excited at the same time lol didnt know what to do! But Ive taken singing lessons since then and practiced on and off for those two years and you wouldnt believe the difference, I was terrible back then (at least imo). Whatever it is you want to do, practice and I promise you you will improve!


All hobbies take patience to get used to them. What helps me is to not be too critical of myself. Remember it takes a long time to get good at anything. Only by starting out being rubbish and persisting can you ever be good.


Wat about volunteering in a shop or in the back of a thrift store?

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I hope so. I’ve been wanting to crochet for goodness knows how long but could never stick to it. It’s like I’m just destined not to do it. And eith severe dyslexia the mathematical side of it confuses me sometimes.


I was just getting it then this illness hit.

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Especially with your dyslexia it could be a grind at first. It wont feel fun, but stick with it

Eventually you will get better, and the ball will be rolling. Youll be having fun and want to do it all day everyday in no time!

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I have so many different hobbies that I don’t have the time in my day to indulge them all. And I am supremely happy. That’s what hobbies do. They make you happy.

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I love making art. Writing, painting and drawing with colored Sharpies are my favorite. Do you enjoy creative activities?


I’m into a crazy amount of hobbies. My most recent aspiration is learning the banjo. I’ve only been at it for a couple of weeks and some days the practice time can feel counterproductive but I learned that I cannot practice for an hour a time as adult brains are wired to learn differently than children so just working 20 minutes a day maybe twice a day reaps better rewards than hitting it hard for an hour or hours per session.

Basically it’s quality over quantity.

Hope I’m making sense.

You mentioned you want to crochet. Maybe pick up your supplies and set a timer for 20 to 25 minutes and once the alarm sounds go do something else.

Also before you go to sleep you can visualize making the stitches as this imparts muscle memory.

Patience can be learned as well. I learned many moons ago that if you aren’t genuinely interested in something then your patience won’t be for very much.

Sorry for the long winded post.


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It’s ok, skunks gotta rant too at timeses. :skunk:



I do yes but I havent been able to divulge in to them since i have been on abilify I’m going on a lower dose so I’m hoping I’ll get at least some of my creativity back with out making me feel how i feel now

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Video games were a huge part of my childhood so I use them as entertainment now that I’m an adult. I have a pretty good collection. I don’t end up playing enough of them though. I usually only buy what’s on sale, some sales are up to 80% off. If you just wait for sales to get the things you have your eye on, you can get a great collection of games for just a couple hundred dollars.

Plus collecting digital stuff is cool because I’ve had to move several times recently and I can’t lug all that physical hobby stuff around or pay to store it.

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Yeah I guess so I’ll have to look around

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