How to accept it…?77777777
I don’t accept that now or before. Being defeated is not a good place to be… You have to just keep fighting otherwise what’s the point?
You could have all the money in the world, but those that do often have empty hearts.
If you could restructure your measure of success you could be happy, but comparison is the thief of joy.
Look within that is where all the answers lie.
So you say all successful people are empty hearts?
You will know when you accepted it.
Pretty much!
They have all those billions and what do they do with it? Save the world, end poverty etc.?
No! They continue to grasp and crave not satisfied with what they have and go on accumulating wealth.
Devoid of compassion and feeling they have empty hearts.
I think you have to have balance your life between wealth and poverty…
They invent something like this forum
I consider myself successful because I have all the small things pretty much sorted
Not ever going to compare myself to rich people
Good luck with that!
As soon as you get wealth most people still want more.
It is certainly easier to be wealthy than poor, but unless enslaved poor people are just as happy inside. Which means that they could be craving the same as the richest person.
The trick is not to crave.
Success means something different to everyone. To me success means having a goal and seeing it through to its completion while being flexible.
My goals have changed many times, but instead of looking at things I can no longer do, such as joining the military, I view these changes as a necessary evolution to get to where I want to be/where I’m going.
This may sound a bit romanticized, but the only way you can end up being unsuccessful is by ceasing to aim for success in whatever you choose.
If you want a simple life not driven by money and earning enough to get by and be happy, I don’t see how that would be considered unsuccessful. That’s just one example. There’s many different ways we can find success that doesn’t have to do with earning a crap ton of money.
“As soon as you want to be something, you are no longer free.” Krishnamurti
I just want to do what I am passionate about in my life and earn money
As long as your aspirations are reasonable, and not based on the life of some rich person on Instagram or Tik Tok then you’ll be fine
Take my niece… she has 3k followers on some social media nonsense, and companies send her stuff to promote even with just 3k followers…
She thinks she’ll make it as an actress??!?!?!!??! What a waste
Start with that and you’ll be fine. Sometimes the earn (a lot of) money is the motivator and is a fruitless task.
I want to retire and stop being dependent on disability. For some that’s an unsuccessful life, but today I have no ambitions.
Success is a matter of perspective.
Somebody said that how much you overcome is much more important than how much money you end up making.
You can’t leap to acceptance, you have to try on a few hats first. What about your unsuccessful life makes you angry? What about it makes you sad? Was there a good reason why your life turned out this way?
I have accepted myself for who I am and what I am about many moons ago.
Could compare myself to others but that is an exercise in futility.