Abilify generic

I get 10 MG tablets of abilify every month and they tried to sell me the generic today…i went with my mom and she knows some stuff (more than me in some ways), and she said “No no we need to talk to the doctor first before we get the generic version”

so the lady re-filled my prescription and we got the abilify regular and it came out to $5 instead of the generic which was $10…although usually the abilify costs $25 for 10 mg tablets…they used a coupon…which took $20 off.

has anyone tried the abilify generic? My Mom said something about how the insurance will stop covering non-generic anyways in october??? but until then I need to talk to the doctor first before we switch to generic… confused

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If you are used to the brand name and it’s working fine for you, I would stick to the brand.

The truth is that the generic may not work as well, it’s too soon.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Talk it over with your doctor

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yeah my mom might’ve been talking about the insurance not covering the injection come october which i get in addition to the 10 mg tablets…she confuses me sometimes…shes smart but kind of ditzy…its weird. …but she did say the generic could have 1 chemical less or more than the non-generic and make it not work like you said. guess ill ask my doctor what he thinks. he may say “pay the extra $15” because he wasnt a big fan of abilify when he put me on it…one day he said something like “i think youve changed my mind somewhat about abilify”…but all medications have worked for me its just the side-effects and abilify gives me none. thats why i like it so much. but since he wasnt so fond of abilify he might not be a fan of changing anything. thnx.

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Is there any precedent for that?

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I’ve had both brand name and generic meds and never noticed any difference. But I have read some stories about people in Canada who reacted badly to poorly formulated generics. So you may get unlucky if you switch. It doesn’t seem very likely though.


Right. Thanks for scaring me off generic everybody.

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I’m getting my Abilify for $5/month so I think I’ll stick with that, the generics are actually more expensive at my pharmacy.


There are differences with the fillers they use - I’m not a big fan of Generics and am willing to pay more for the brand - but this is me.

Abilify just turned Generic, I would wait to see if there are any quality or safety issues with the Generics - you never know.

But again this is me and what I would do

Yeah it’s a new thing with the coupon but I got it $5 for a month, not sure if that’s permanent or not though.

Brand name Abilify should go down in price, now that it’s gone Generic


My mother asked the pharmacist “What do you think of the abilify generic” and she said “no opinion, it’s too new”

so @Wave one of the most awesome and helpful posters on schizophrenia.com is probably very right about everything he’s said so far


One can experiment with both, of course, and see which works better… or if there is any difference. (“Observe to notice to recognize to acknowledge to…” Oh, never mind.)

Yeah… I’m going to stick with the brand now. if I go on the generic I’ll just end up thinking that anything funny that happens is down to it being generic. Ah well.

Generics are required to be 100% identical to the brand name as far as the active ingredient goes. As stated, the “filler” can be and usually is different. So differences are very minimal if any. In fact I can’t even ask for generic or name brand at my pharmacy. They give me generic unless there’s only a name brand available.

I used to have to pay $130 a month for Abilify when I was on it (only took it for a little over a month a couple years ago). Now it’s only $25 for 2 months worth since it’s generic. So I just started back on it today. Hopefully it works out.