I have a question could abilify cause difficulties with swallowing dry foods like toast I’ve been having issues for awhile now and I avoid eating dry foods could Abilify be the culprit I read on there website it does so I’m 99% convinced it does it to me has anybody else got that side effect
I have been on abilify for the better part of a year and have not personally seen that side effect.
It says here it’s a possibility but idk I also take haldol Zoloft lamictal Wellbutrin klonopin clonazapam and zoplicone but it started with abilify
I have diffictulty swallowing sometimes idk if its the 6mg risperdal or if its bcz i gained 160lb from meds. Maybe both?
I’ve been on it for 2 years with no noticeable side effects
Yes I had a similar problem with Abilify. Every time I swallowed a tablet I thought I was gonna throw up. Certain foods were hard to swallow.
It stopped once I quit Abilify
I don’t know what might be specific to any drug but I’ve had the following side effects from taking various psychiatric drugs. Some were quite frightening.
fainting, vision problems, heart pressure problems causing limited vision, vomiting a lot, trouble swallowing, sleeping too much, weight gain, neck crinkling, facial ticks, brain fog or trouble thinking, sensations of the brain, and the most suffering I had was caused by akathisia. The rest weren’t awful to go through but were troubling and needed fixing. Next up would be neck crinkling uncontrollably I had to have injections to counteract that in in-patient care. Brain fog and trouble thinking were also while in in-patient care.
I started fainting on one drug, and went to work on another that made me go blind for a period of time before my heart could pump enough blood to my eyes.
The brain fog was the most upsetting after the neck crinkling, as I felt that this was what it meant to be “on” psychiatric medicine, and it was very troubling.
I would’ve killed myself if I had stayed that way. I know its not an easy subject, but its the truth.
Next up is weight gain. I didn’t know how seriously long term this would be and or how difficult it would be to correct once my realties about my negative symptoms showed up. It took hold slowly but was also slow to correct.
Now my mission is to get my weight back under control while I’m young so it doesn’t compound health problems later.
It’s a more comment problem than most users of meds know. It could be caused by dry mouth.