What would you do if someone implanted a hidden camera or microphone in your body so that people can spy on you? And the whole world is watching you and tormenting you? What would you do?
I would say “My mother thinks I’m still a baby and need to be watched.” so that was the solution.
Oh ok… so do you think its fair that the whole world was watching you? Is that ok?
I would know it’s not true. BUT. if I did believe it I would listen to people on here and take their advice and tell this to my psychiatrist and take my meds as prescribed. It sounds like a (mentally) painful delusion to carry around and delusions are hard to shake. Good luck.
If I couldn’t come to grips with the fact that this is only real to me and not to other people, and I couldn’t get relief from these thoughts from any and all meds, then I would have to make peace with it I guess.
Thankyou. It is hard to come to terms with.
Great advice… thanks.
I wish you would try Clozapine or a different combination of meds but I’m about ready to give up on getting you to try. I would think that the longer you continue with this delusion the longer it’s going to take to break you out of it. I hope you find some relief.
Thankyou. I am going to request a med change.
See if they will try Clozapine. If it can’t break you free, likely no med can.
Id be more mad about not being paid for it then the actual being watched part. Imagine all the commercials theyd put in.
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