A scary situation

What would you do if someone implanted a hidden camera or microphone in your body so that people can spy on you? And the whole world is watching you and tormenting you? What would you do?

I would say “My mother thinks I’m still a baby and need to be watched.” so that was the solution.

Oh ok… so do you think its fair that the whole world was watching you? Is that ok?

I would know it’s not true. BUT. if I did believe it I would listen to people on here and take their advice and tell this to my psychiatrist and take my meds as prescribed. It sounds like a (mentally) painful delusion to carry around and delusions are hard to shake. Good luck.


If I couldn’t come to grips with the fact that this is only real to me and not to other people, and I couldn’t get relief from these thoughts from any and all meds, then I would have to make peace with it I guess.


Thankyou. It is hard to come to terms with.

Great advice… thanks.

I wish you would try Clozapine or a different combination of meds but I’m about ready to give up on getting you to try. I would think that the longer you continue with this delusion the longer it’s going to take to break you out of it. I hope you find some relief.

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Thankyou. I am going to request a med change.

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See if they will try Clozapine. If it can’t break you free, likely no med can.

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Id be more mad about not being paid for it then the actual being watched part. Imagine all the commercials theyd put in.


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