A nice early morning walk

It is Sunday, I woke up early before 5 AM, had my breakfast, took my meds, did some exercise movements and then had a nice peaceful morning walk …


Pictures are awesome…u live in a paradise mj…take care…thanks

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Beeeeeautiful photos!

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I have combined two hobbies of mine, exercising and photo taking, I ride a bicycle a lot and have my morning and evening walks and whenever I see something beautiful, interesting or special I take a picture. I really like exercising too, today I have done 2030 exercise movements, walked two kilometers and then I rode my bicycle 25 kilometers, exercising is good for body, mind and soul.


combining tasks with exercise is good. makes exercise a bit more bearable. i should try it more. for now, i walk to distant places to get groceries. i can probably combine more tasks, but i don’t go outside much