I still have major insomnia months later. I’ve tried almost every AP available. Risperidone, geodon, olanzapine, haldol. I’ve had insomnia on every single one. Olanzapine being the worst. I get 1 hr of sleep each night. I’m running out of options. My next med is to latuda & I know I won’t sleep on that one either. I’m really scared
I slept 12 hours each night when I was taking clozapine.
I’m considering clozapine but I worry my nurse won’t put me on it because I’m not treatment resistant. Did you have weight gain on that one?
I had weight gain on all APs.
I’m on Latuda, and it actually makes me a little drowsy. Not sedating or anything, but I sleep very well on it
Do you exercise before bed @Swimming_fox99? I have severe insomnia issues, but tiring myself out before bed guarantees at least three hours of sleep.
I’ve tried exercising & it did nothing for me. I was wore out but didn’t sleep
Have you had insomnia on any other medication?
I have not. I’m fortunate that this illness hasn’t attacked my sleep too much. Hopefully Latuda works for you!
Do you consume caffeine or take any other meds @Swimming_fox99?
Nope. Just my AP
Not much time has passed and you have tried a lot. Insomnia takes a while to go away usually. You need to give it time without messing with antipsychotics. I would take latuda and try to let your capacity to sleep build back
Have you tried abilify? Idk much about meds but it’s significantly different I think.
That’s too bad to hear. Welcome back.
Cannabis restored much of my ability to sleep recently. I was vaping cannabis full spectrum oil. Would not advise trying it.
I tried Abilify & same thing. Insomnia. It actually is what caused my psychosis believe it or not
do u have anxiety? anxiety can make it hard to sleep. and anxiety about not being able to sleep makes it even harder to sleep. maybe an anxiety medicine would work better if its a sleep issue. or a sleep medicine.
Have you tried mirtazapine for sleep? Its a AD but it cured my insomnia.
Mirtazapine worked for my brother too, he was having severe insomnia and this med fixed it.
My friend is on clozapine, average dose.
He actually can choose when to fall asleep at night by when he decides to take clozapine at night.
It’s meant 2 be a last resort antipsychotic though.