A good time

Tonight I’m going out to a market with some friends.

Going to have a few beers aswell.

Can’t wait

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Enjoy my man magicfish…u deserve it …!!!

Enjoy and let us know tomorrow how it was!

have fun! 34323212

Right on!

Have fun :v:

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Things went average

there were too many people at the market, i really tried to enjoy myself but i was unfortunately thinking everyone walking past me was reading my mind, which gave me the "negative and paranoid " feeling. I then went out with some so called friends and things didnt go to well with them either. People just dont understand me im so different to the norm.

I Just want to fit in like so many else. I know people say be different, but hell i dont want to be.

I wanted to get completely drunk to try forget about it but only drank 4 beers which was the good i can take out of it.

I feel bad today that I witnessed these symptoms again, Ive just come right after a med adjustment and thought i would be fine in these situations. apparently not…

Anyways, i dont know what to do


@Magicfish I also try to enjoy time but with Monster energy drink and alone. Also afraid of others that read my mind and paranoid about that and dont fit in either.

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Tonight I’m trying to have a better time.


I’m proud that you got out and tried!