I had covid and then delirium.
I’m not as dizzy as I was first day but I’m still dizzy.
Thankfully I’m well otherwise.
Resting and drinking water.
Managed a fifteen minute walk with loved one this morning.
Not bad for a dizzy Sheila.
Hopefully I’ll recover completely soon.
Im glad your nurse was able to help you. My day was so so. I ended up getting better sleep than I have in a while. But missed day treatment. I babysat twice from 2:45-4:00 then from 5:45-8. I feel like ■■■■ right now but got gas, subway, vape supplies, and washed my sheets. So it wasn’t a total loss. I think I feel bad from spending time with my dad. Idk why I have such difficulty around him. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.