A cool lecture on fasting

Found this lecture on the health benefits and evolutionary reasoning behind why fasting works. Hope some of you find it useful for weight loss.

I fell for this fasting fad thing about 20 years ago. I just felt weak and tired from not eating. :-1:

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Lol I don’t think it’s a fad. I mean it’s a natural part of human activity. In many places of the world people are forced to fast through having less food and it’s always been that way. Only in rich countries is obesity an epidemic. Anyways thanks for the input noted!!

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Just goes to show you can any point of view on the internet no matter if it’s disapproved by many other people. I have to admit I didn’t watch the video but my experience with fasting, and what I’ve read and heard is it is not a good way to diet. Simply put, if you go hungry for awhile, once you start eating again you’re going to gain back any weight you’ve lost.

And speaking of evolution, Dr. Atkins used that argument too for his high protein - low carb diet. He said eating lots of meat and few carbs was healthy in an evolutionary way because that’s how cavemen and early man ate.

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I see hmm I’d have to disagree but I respect your opinion. It’s not a diet per sae but a way of thinking about eating that most people actually already do. It’s not about long fasts it’s about eating less every day. Not to the point of satiety there are undoubtedly benefits in that


I used to be really into fasting but I honestly don’t think it’s suitable for everyone

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If I fast my blood sugar drops quickly.
It’s not for me.

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I think it is great… If one can do it sensibly… In other words… Not binge after… And also be able to function reasonably well during it.

Yes of course not for people who are sick and it depends what you mean by fasting… for someone who weights 600 lbs fasting may mean eating only 3000 calories In a day… for people who are new it could mean eating only 1500 calories. … experienced people maybe 1000. There’s no one size fits all fasting method everyone needs to find what works for them.

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Yea… Idk the actual definition of fasting but I may actually fall under that category…

But I won’t go into details.

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Ok sorry if I’m being insensitive just trying to share something I believe in :relaxed:

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I don’t think you’re being insensitive.

It’s great to hear people talk about their beliefs!!

Thanks for sharing it’s always good to hear refreshing things :slight_smile:

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Whats a difference for you beetween diet and fasting?
I never did diet, but I fasted for long time…
In Eastern Orthodox church you fast on water some weeks, and three days before xmass you dont eat…
I know muslims fast too…


U hha I me they’re pretty similar…Idk at their most essential roots theyre about consuming less food (and other pleasures). Fasting is taking control of your diet… to give you more self control over yourself… i suppose from the standpoint of someone who calls it a diet they’re looking for weight loss

I’m not sure

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I have a friend who doesnt eat for four days, and only drinks one glass of water each day…
Other days he takes small amount of raw fruit…
He says he feels great…
Skin and bones…

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@anon22846033 , your friend may feel good for now, but that is really unhealthy and he won’t feel good for long. Unless he’s lying of course

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No, hes not lying…
He is asket and even his priest is against it…


Oh wow he must be very strong mentally to do that. The desert fathers recommend eating at least a little every day tho many have done some longer but usually it’s good to eat a little every day

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