12AM I should have been asleep already

But not. Took 7.5 mirtazapine 10mg ambien 1 alprazolom 50mg seroquel

Maybe soon. Sleep has been unreliable

That’s some strong combo.

I should be being proscribed mirtazapine to help with sleep cycles. I hope it works out

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My spouse where everything stopped working
has been on mirtazapine and sleeps on the regular.
15mg / 7.5mg

It will put you to sleep if you want to sleep.

I have symptom related insomnia which makes it challenging

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Yeah I hear that, I’m an insomniac too - i delay sleep a lot

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You wont stop thinking?

Keep the phone on?

I get knocked out. I need head talking or beats til I wake up

But seriously mirtazapine is a clean sleep. Low to no drowsy morning

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I had sleep problems too for a very long time

Clozapine sorted it out!

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Zyprexa doesn’t work for some people here but it works for me @Joker

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Wow thats quite a cocktail of sleep meds. You must have slept good last night.

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