12 hours of sleep

I slept for 12 hours last night.
My body needed it.

I haven’t been sleeping great for a while now, but decided to hit the sack at 10pm last night and woke up at around 10am this morning.

It feels good to finally get some needed rest!

It’s now close to 130pm and I’m still in my pajamas resting.

I’ve decided to go to bed earlier every night from now on.


i wish i could sleep 12 hours, some nights i get 5 hours, then the next night i’ll get 10, it’s very inconsistent. my ideal amount of time asleep would be 9 hours sleeping, 15 hours awake.

it helps to have a routine i think, like consistency.

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10 hours of sleep is still pretty good.
I’ve been averaging 4 to 5 hours if I’m lucky.

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That’s great. I would die if I slept that long.

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Yeah thanks @Leaf
What do you mean by dying?

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Because of my degenerative disc disease I can’t stay lying down that long at one time. I sleep about 5 hours and then have to get up.

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Oh I’m sorry @Leaf

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well thank you, I just usually catch a nap later on and then I’m fine.

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Yeah I don’t think that I’ll sleep for 12 hours every night.
My body probably just ‘crashed’ after many nights of experiencing insomnia.


So basically you needed to catch up

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Yes exactly :slightly_smiling_face: 155

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good to hear you managed to get some sleep =)

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Good for you @Wave! Sleep is so important for those of us with mental illnesses. I’m glad I have a consistent sleep schedule – I’m fortunate in that regard.

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Thanks @Tulane!

Thanks @lekkerhondje!

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It’s great that you got some good rest.

I go to sleep at 8pm every night and stand up at 8am. I normally stand up at about 2 am to go the toilet then it take some time to fall asleep again.

During the day I also take a nap.

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Yes thanks @anon18305065

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Sounds nice. In the past 2 years the most i have gotten is about 8 hours, maybe 9 once or twice, and that is rare, and being on sleeping meds too. I usually get 6-7. Insomnia is the worst.

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Yeah thanks @Headspark
I got like 7 to 8 hrs of sleep last night.

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Sounds like you crashed after a run of mania @Wave .

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