I woke up in the middle of the night as always but I didn’t have a blinding headache so I just rolled over and went back to sleep. I couldn’t believe it when I woke up and looked at the clock. I feel fantastic. So refreshed and clear headed. I’m used to only getting 4 hours at a time so this is a huge deal.
That’s great! I slept 11 hours but for some reason all I want to do is take a nap. I feel completely exhausted
I’m glad you had an amazing sleep!
Sometimes when you sleep a lot you want to sleep more for some reason.
Yeah. I think that might be it
Amateur… i slept for 18 hours today
are you depressed?
Not at all. My AD works really well
Good. Now go have a productive day.
The grandkids exhausted you yesterday. Right?
Yes, I was pretty tired from everything I did the last 2 days. The grandbabies have been keeping me pretty busy especially.
I sleep about 12 hours a night.
I remember a time when I used to sleep 12 hours on a regular basis. Those weren’t good times for me. I was very depressed. Then when I wasn’t sleeping I was spending much of the rest of the day in bed just ruminating. I was quite ill.
I’m happy to hear you got a good sleep in leafy.
Thank you @GEDchill You’re a sweetie
I usually sleep 12 hours.
I still spend most of my day in bed its pretty tough so I know what you are talking about but its better than it used to be when I was drugged out on high levels of meds and seeping 18 or so hours.
It’s very good to feel well rested but I don’t know for sure how many hours that would be. I need about 10 hours a night.
That’s great!!! I hope you get more good sleep in the nights to come!
Thank you Jake me too