Tell us yer life of stupid things
Pick just one?
Ships mast. I agreed to be tied to the hood of a speeding car.
Maybe the cult and subsequent fed raid.
Maybe a few of my chosen partners that didn’t last and whom I should of ran from sooner.
The drugs?
I’m grateful I’m not in jail or dead. I’ve done a lot of dumb.
Meeting a hooker and going back to her motel room and her boyfriend/pimp was inside when we got there. He left for a short while then came back. We got to talking and it turns out he was an ex-con who had served time for attempted murder. I had some crack and then they broke out the heroin.
They shot themselves up and then shot me up. We all shared the same needle. The stupid thing was that this was 1986 and AIDs was running rampant. Back at that time, there were not even any pills you could take if you had HIV. Back then, if you contracted HIV, you died from AIDS.
I shared a needle with those two and they had every risk factor in the book. #1: AIDS was sweeping through prisons and he had served ten years. #2: They were both bi-sexual and intravenous drug users. #3: She had obviously been with a lot of men and we didn’t use protection. And a little while later he pulled up his pants and both his legs were covered in sores from his ankles to his knees. He just grinned at me and said, “I don’t have AIDS.” So we shot up one more time and I ended up spending three days with them.
When I finally got home I was so scared I had got HIV. I got tested a week later and I had to wait a week for my results. That was the longest week of my life. Every night on the news I watched stories of hospitals filled with people dying from AIDS. It showed gaunt people, wasting away. It was just horrible. But I tested negative.
Nick, I would think this thread could have stayed light-hearted.
I’ve fallen many times. would be funny, if it wasn’t an injury.
That’s down right scary man. I left my young son in the bath tub once while I went and answered the phone. It was my wife. I told her he was in the tub and she freaked out.
She said he could have drown. He was fine though. She never let me forget that. Still brings it up. I forget how old he was.
This was way before cell phones.
Tonight it was mixing Haldol and alcohol - I’m hostile and dissociative and timefree and antisocial and everything’s moving around in the fridge and it pisses me off and on and on
The last man I went out with. He reminded me of someone I had a crush on, and was nuts and a big time liar. Always talking about marriage. He wanted to know if he bought a ring, if I would marry him. I said; only if I trust you. I never did. He told all kinds of lies after I paid for 2/3 of everything. His acquaintances are even worse and saying; I’m their property because I went out with this man for 2 months. We only stayed together 3 times. They’re desperate lying psychos living in a ghetto fantasy world. They act like I’ve had continuous contact with them or the person I went out with. I met him once, after breaking up with him, at a downtown car show and then just before I moved out of an apartment, he came over twice, because I was having a panic attack. He spent the night in the living room, me in the bedroom, the first time and only stayed a few hours, the second time. Both times, the only intimacy is; he kissed me. This was almost 4 years ago and they’re threatening me, like they have ties to me.
Got a choir girl pregnant at the church choir i was singing in. The mother was a church warden - and my name was mud. I was only 16 myself.
She got whisked away, and had a termination without my knowledge. I was flaming gutted.
Could have been staphylococcus (staph infection). My ex husband used to get those. Pretty nasty looking.
Oh that’s awful . My dad got a girl pregnant when he was 17 and her parents made her get an abortion.
Thats ok - it was over 30 years ago. We were both just 2 randy teenagers. I should have known then - i wasnt meant to be a Daddy. She got married years later with 3 boys.
Its the guilt ive always had for putting her in such a crappy position at that age.
Should I do this in bullet point form LOL. There’s quite a few
I would have to say my biggest mistake is breaking up with my first girlfriend. Never found anyting better, or even close
Driving 120mph with 4 passengers
I guess just losing my marbles so much is a bit stupid.
i think @Schztuna nailed it with her comment
I’ve done a lot of stupid stuff. Here is one stupid thing I did. I was partying at a friends cottage in high school. I took 3 grams of mushrooms, drank a 26er of Wild Turkey Whisky, a 6 pack of Molson Canadian beer and smoked a 10 paper joint with several friends. I was bombed, from what I remember I had a good time but felt like total sh*t the next day. After that experience I decided ingesting that much wasn’t a good idea, I toned it down after that.
Calling the cops and tell them I am Jesus and that they should make me king of the world.
I can’t really think of anything stupid I’ve done.
I think the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life was while I was psychotic. I believed that food and drinks were poisoned so I would collect rainwater and boil it and use that for drinking water in order to avoid the contaminated water/drink supply.
Doing mdma with alcohol, not feeling it after half hour, so taking more, still not feeling it so taking more
This is what low self esteem and mental loneliness made me do at the time.