Why for out thall schizophrenia so dole

they say the home is where your heart isI do not disagree the simple things in life mean so much to me like the SUN that comes in the window like a shadow of a daywhat if I ever wonderI would run away just some small island I’m in the deep sea until the top of a mountain or I could be freewill put that always side for once and think of with in.I would miss all the voices from my friends my neighbor is my family toothat’s what keeps the voices away from my mind

If I ran away from home I’m pretty sure no one would miss me.
My cell phone list has call from 2012.

My dad tells me I have a poor social life because I don’t reach out to others enough. When I do reach out, I usually get a poor or no response, after a while I get the writing on the wall.

@Csummers: If you did run away and posted it, I would feel concern for you as would many others here.
As for your phone, I’d call the caller and hang up or if you are feeling adventurous, talk to the other person. Your phone may update the call list and you won’t have that reminder. If that doesn’t work, I’d delete it… shoot for small steps that help you obtain a bigger goal i.e. feeling good/ better about oneself

I did run away although not by choice.

Things are actually worse.

Possibly not for long as I prayed for a change in my life it worked the first time so why not give it another shot!.

Have you seen that commercial where people wish themselves somewhere else and end up in a worse place?

Thats what happened to me.I prayed to be out of this community full of psychotic meth addicts and I got out but now im in a community with psychotic small town folk that dont like nobody that aint from here so they letcha know it every chance they get …go figure.