Who was the first person ever to have psychosis

When there’s a categorical/specific genetic test/proof - then i’ll be far more convinced. Indeed when there is any biological test. Notice that my thread the other day on very recent acknowledgment of ‘junk DNA’ Not being Junk was deleted. Obviously didn’t fit the official line.

SzAdmin is right , genes are in transmission all the time , I know loads of people that suffer that old chestnut ‘stress’ and have lots and lots of kids.

My mother suffered manic depression , my brother attends a specialist for ocd , 2 of my other sibblings suffer intermittent bouts of psychosis , but they don’t know its psychosis , they think its ‘stress’. They have 10 kids between them. How do I know all this? I get the gos from my mother. Lolz.

These ‘secrets’ are in many families , so that kind of rips apotheosis view on natural selection and mental illness…

We were specifically discussing the assumption of schizophrenia being primarily a specific inherited genetically caused brain disorder -

When it’s proved i’ll eat my hat - until then, all things considered i think the whole premise reeks of ■■■■■■■■.

Well then don’t quote evolution and science as a justification for your views.

Evolution & science backs up my views.Not drug company propaganda.

Well you don’t seem to understand it. Its an oft quoted comment , ‘why hasn’t natural selection bred out sz’ , you seem to paraphrase that and incorporate it as a , scientist dont really know what there doing , type narrative or a ‘look, god did it’ argument or indeed the ’ universe done it’ argument. Its fuzz.

God? Maybe he wasn’t actually psychotic but I wonder what he was thinking when he created such a messed up world.

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You don’t seem to have provided any convincing arguments to explain it? i don’t see things as a choice between insane forms of materialism/reductionism VS religion parody - as many of you appear to.

Can you stop re-editing your comments after their chewed up and tossed out. Who does that? Instead of editing to make yourself sound less silly , you could choose to learn something…

Jesus Christ wasn’t mentally ill. He is the Son of God.


Will write/post what i like as everyone else does.

Like what? Unproven drug company propaganda brainwashing twaddle…

cc: @san_pedro

I agree wholeheartedly about looking into Jaynes and this challenging, but ever-so-shame-dismantling classic from the '70s, as well as Iain McGilchrist’s further work along the same lines at…


I’m sorry, didn’t mean to offend. It was a bad joke.

aw that’s fine Minnii, you can’t help what you believe as much as I can’t help loving Christ Jesus.

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This general info was deleted off this forum the other day - for some unknown reason -

Has been known by some for over 70 years.

When I respond to you , I do on the basis of what you wrote , sometimes timing gets messed up , everyone re-edits , but you unusually re-edit 2 & 3 comments previous to your most present comment.

A conversation develops , don’t ask what I’m talking about , when you have changed the basis of the conversation because you didn’t like how it went the first time round. Its basic manners…

Asking “who was the first human being to have psychosis?” is akin to asking who was the first person to have sneezed. Understanding that psychosis is more of a psychic reaction to stimulus or information, much like a sneeze is for an irritant to the respiratory system, should help you recognize that psychosis has been with us since the dawn of human cognition if not earlier. Even animals experience psychosis (if you doubt this then ask yourself the question, "how are drug treatments tested initiall? on animals), so it most likely predates homo sapiens.

Thinking of psychosis (chronic as in the case of schizophrenia or acute or transient) was not thought of as a diseased state until the 1600s or 1700s and the rise of state sponsored psychiatry and Philosophical Materialism. Prior to those periods, humanity has incorporated it as a part of it’s experience, especially in some cultures today and into the ancient past.

Take a look at Dr. Joseph Polimeni’s book “Shaman’s Among Us” for a more in-depth analysis or his video video expose on the subject:

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& yours are wonderful :wink:

Am still waiting for how you explain the schizophrenia paradox using reductionist materialism.

I told you, I don’t accept its a paradox , it makes sense.